Can You Speed Up the Effects of Oxycodon?

Question by Dr. Xaps: Can you speed up the effects of oxycodon?
I take oxy for pain in my hands, and I’m wondering if theres a way to make it take effect faster. I know if you take asprin with soda it usually quickens, and sometimes amplifies the effects, but I was curious if this, or something like it would work.

Best answer:

Answer by Elder Berries
SNorting it.. I know that doesnt sound very fun, and I dont recommend it if you NEED to take it, but snorting things always spreads through your body faster.
Also, chewing it helps too.

I havent tried it with oxycodon, and it may not work, but if you drink grapefruit juice while on vicodin, it intensifies the effects. 😀

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