Can We Please Dispense With the Myth That the “War on Drugs” Has Anything to Do With Drugs?

Question by fretkilr: Can we please dispense with the myth that the “war on drugs” has anything to do with drugs?
Is it not actually about establishing as much US influence as possible in Latin America? There has been a sharp increase in US military aid and training of Latin American officers, focusing on light infantry tactics to combat “radical populism”. Military training is being shifted from the State Department to the Pentagon, eliminating human rights and democracy conditionalities under congressional supervision, which has always been weak, but was at least a deterrent to some of the worst abuses. The US Fourth Fleet, disbanded in 1950, was reactivated in 2008, shortly after Colombia’s invasion of Ecuador, with responsibility for the Caribbean, Central and South America, and the surrounding waters. This has precious little to do with drugs. Last February, the Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy issued its analysis of the US “war on drugs” in past decades. The Commission, led by former Latin American presidents Fernando Cardoso (Brazil), Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico), and César Gavíria (Colombia), concluded that the drug war had been a complete failure and urged a drastic change of policy, away from forceful measures at home and abroad and towards much less costly and more effective measures. Their report had no detectable impact, just as earlier studies and the historical record have had none. That again reinforces the natural conclusion that the “drug war” — like the “war on crime” and “the war on terror” — is pursued for reasons other than the announced goals

Best answer:

Answer by Thelastninja
It does have to do with drugs, if you have drugs your doors are knocked down, your property is seized and you are locked in a cage. They use the war on drugs to attack other countries as well of course.

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