Can I Take Tramadol After Drinking?

Question by : Can I take tramadol after drinking?

Best answer:

Answer by aklsdjnlkdfgnalfkbnaldfbkn
Not recommended but you’d probably be fine in lower doses of both alcohol and tramadol.

“Tramadol hydrochloride is a prescription medication approved to treat moderate to moderately severe pain in adults. Currently, tramadol is not considered a controlled substance or a narcotic by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). However, this medication has significant potential for abuse and is classified as a controlled substance in certain states.

Alcohol and tramadol hydrochloride are both central nervous system depressants (CNS depressants). This means they both can slow down brain function. In addition, both substances can cause respiratory depression (shallow or infrequent breathing). Drinking alcohol while taking this medication may increase your risk for serious reactions. This is why combining the two is not recommended.

Please never combine tramadol & alcohol.”

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