Can Anyone Recommend Some Good Beach Reading Books Particularily Coming-of-Age?

Question by Chloe: Can anyone recommend some good beach reading books particularily coming-of-age?
I just finished Elizabeth Berg’s “What we Keep” and I really liked it. I love coming-of-age fiction that follows the lives of people while they were kids or teens. Another one I loved was Martha Moody’s “Best Friends” and of course, Judy Blume’s “Summer Sisters”. I do like other genre too. I enjoyed the non-fiction novel “ComebacK” about a mother’s fight with her daughter’s drug addiction. “Mrs. Kimble” by Jennifer Haigh is another good one.
So that should give you an idea of what type of books I enjoy. I prefer to read modern novels at the beach that were written in the last 20 years or so. I don’t like books by Danielle Steele. I’m also not a big fan of mysteries (although I LOVE “The #1 Ladies Detective Agency series) or thrillers like Stephen King (although I love his movies).
If you have a suggestion or two, that would be great!!!!!
HAVE A GOOD SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like most of the books in Oprah’s “Book Club” if that helps! By the way, is she still doing the book club? I haven’t watched her in a long time.

Best answer:

Answer by Kate Winslet fan ♥ ♥
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon…not coming-of-age but really good! Full of adventure and romance. Has comedy and drama.

Or try Dan Brown’s books.

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