Caffeine Addiction & Side Effects: What Are the Bad Effects of Drinking Excess Coffee or Cola?

Question by Hello: Caffeine Addiction & Side Effects: What are the bad effects of drinking excess coffee or cola?

Best answer:

Answer by Badonk loves ♥ her veggies.
“Caffeine alters mood and behavior, and it can also result in physical dependence, says Roland Griffiths, a professor in the departments of psychiatry and neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. “People are hesitant to think of it as a drug of addiction because it doesn’t have a lot of the health and adverse social consequences associated with our classic drugs of addiction, yet the basic mechanisms by which it hooks people are very much like our classic drugs of addiction,” he says.”

Later on, the same article lists six signs that you have a caffeine addiction, after you stop drinking caffeine.

Here are some of the signs of caffeine withdrawal, which typically appear 12 to 24 hours after abstaining from coffee.
•Depressed mood
•Muscle pain and stiffness

And this is me talking again here. One 8 ounce serving of regular cola has the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar. WHO ever has just ONE 8 ounce serving? The smallest size you can get is a 12 ounce can! Diet soda is worse for you still, because of the combination of artificial sweeteners and caffeine. The artificial sweeteners used in diet cola have been linked to migraines, some cancers, and weight GAIN-the opposite of what they are marketed for. It is not just the caffeine that affects us.
I still drink coffee, but I don’t use refined sugar or artificial sweetener anymore. I use either agave syrup (which has a low glycemic index and is 3x’s sweeter than white sugar, as well as some nutrients that white sugar is void of) or I use organic raw sugar, which is also sweeter and better for you than refined white sugar. I only have one to two 16oz cups a day, as opposed to a whole pot or more that I used to drink, as well. PLUS coffee has potassium, which we need.

PS. In people/children with ADD or ADHD, coffee is actually medicinal, as it has the opposite effect on them as it does on most people. It helps them to calm down and be focused. If my son is being particularly unruly, some coffee helps mellow him right out.

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