Butt/Buttocks Augmentation, Butt/Buttocks Enlargement : Cosmetic Surgery in the Philippines

Buttocks Augmentation


The gluteal area is one of the most commonly enhanced areas of the body next to the breast. Gluteal fullness with smooth sloping contour is ideal and pleasing to the eye. The gluteal contour and volume is best enhanced with a Butt augmentation procedure. The procedure would result in a round, more firmly shaped buttock area. Gluteal augmentation can be performed with the use of gluteal implant. These will improve gluteal size and contour. Patients that frequently request Gluteal or buttock augmentation procedure are those with a butt that has inadequate volume and flat contour. This procedure is not ideal for patient that has sagging gluteal skin, which is best addressed with a butt lift surgery.


Gluteal Implants or commonly referred to as buttock or butt implants, are either a soft solid silicon block or silicon shell containing cohesive silicon gel. Both types of implant are safe, it does not cause any allergic or toxic reaction to the body, it can be sterilize, it does not induce any soft tissue diseases or malignant transformation and it can be removed easily when indicated. These implants are often used for augmentation or enlargement surgery of the buttock region and occasionally for gluteal reconstruction in treatment of asymmetry. Implants are placed in a pocket created either beneath the fascial covering of the gluteal muscle or within the muscle. Both  implantation sites are well tolerated by the body and have very predictable and pleasing outcome or results.


Another method that is used to augment the gluteal area is by fat injection. This is ideally performed for patients that has hesitation in having foreign material (buttock implants) in their body and for patients that have unsightly or unwanted fat deposit at the abdomen, thighs or arms and will require liposuction. The fats are initially harvested by gentle liposuction technique and then process into pure form. The pure fat is then injected to the gluteal muscle through a very small port like incision. For better fat survival and to minimize fat resorption by the body, the harvested fat is transplanted or injected to the gluteal muscle. This improved fat survival is due to improved blood supply of fat cell when it is injected into the muscle.


Individuals planning to undergo buttock augmentation are prepared prior  to the scheduled surgery. Patients are advise to avoid the following for 2 to 3 weeks before surgery; smoking, alcoholic beverages, steroids, NSAIDs or pain medications like mefenamic acids and naproxen, herbal tea, herbal medications, Vitamin E, blood thinning medications like aspirin, heparin and coumadin, regulated drugs like valum, prohibited drugs like methamphetamines, diet pills and oral contraceptive pills. These medications and social activity may delay healing, prolong bleeding during surgery and may interact with the medications used during surgery. It is advised that patients discuss this further with their surgeon to minimize possible risks and complications.


Gluteal augmentation is performed either under regional or general anesthesia depending on the techniques and extent of the procedure. It is best that patients are admitted for a minimum of 1 to 2 days after surgery for more comfort and better pain management. All patients undergoing general anesthesia are required to have a preoperative medical evaluation and laboratory tests to assess their general medical condition. With the patient asleep under general anesthesia a two to three inch incision is made at the fold between the buttocks at the midline. Through this incision the gluteal muscle is lifted up and a pocket is created just large enough for the implant. The implant is then inserted into its pocket. Absorbable sutures are placed in the skin incision. A pressure dressing or bandage is placed that provides compression to the buttocks and to hold the implant in place. This will also helps reduce discomfort and swelling after surgery. Sutures are usually removed after 7 to 10 days.


Because we often use the gluteal muscle in numerous physical activities like walking, sitting, and other movements, patients might experience greater pain during the recovery period than other common cosmetic surgery procedures and the recovery time is usually longer. Pain medications typically are prescribed to help with the discomfort, but after approximately 5-7 days the patient is able to be up and about; moving, walking, and sitting more comfortably. Full activities including gym work, bicycling, and running can usually be resumed about four weeks following buttocks augmentation.


After buttock augmentation the gluteal area will have fullness especially at the upper pole and will look firmer. The initial results after the surgery may be obscured by swelling and some bruising. This is temporary and may resolve after 2 to 4 weeks, but patients are advise, that final outcome will evident after 6 to 8 months.


Prospective patients planning to have this procedure are required to allot 12 to 14 days. This time will be used for the initial consultation, laboratory, medical clearance, surgery, follow up, suture removal and early recuperation. After this patient is safe to travel since wounds are dry and healed.


Your plastic surgeon and/or staff will explain in detail the risks associated with surgery. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure you will undergo and any risks or potential complications.



Possible risks and complications include:

Unfavorable scarring

Bleeding (hematoma)


Fluid accumulation

Poor wound healing

Skin loss

Blood clots

Numbness or other changes in skin sensation

Anesthesia risks

Skin discoloration and/or prolonged swelling

Major wound separation


Pain, which may persist

Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications

Nerve damage

Possibility of revision surgery

Suboptimal aesthetic result




For more information on affordable cosmetic procedure, selecting qualified cosmetic plastic surgeon and to know all your options for the procedure you want to have you may visit www.philippinecosmetic.com or www.cosmeticplasticsurgeryphil.com

Dr Rino Lorenzo
is a Filipino Plastic Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgeon based in Manila Philippines.He is a Board Certified and fully trained Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon, with 6 years of formal training in the field of Aesthetic / Cosmetic, Reconstructive and Burn Plastic Surgery. Dr Rino is a fellow of Philippine Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon. For more information you may visit http://www.philippinecosmetic.com or http://www.cosmeticplasticsurgeryphil.com

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