Brand Gives MPs Lesson in Heroin Addiction

Brand gives MPs lesson in heroin addiction

Filed under: heroin addictions

The comic actor told the Commons home affairs select committee, which is reviewing UK drugs policy, that he overcame an addiction to heroin, and that he did not support the “just say no” message. “I think some people can safely take drugs, …



Heroin Addicts Have Higher Pain Sensitivity, Even During Treatment

Filed under: heroin addictions

WEDNESDAY, April 25 (HealthDay News) — Heroin addicts often have an increased sensitivity to pain, and this sensitivity does not subside over the course of treatment with methadone or other opioids, new research finds. Researchers from the University …



Authorities see heroin use increasing and work to improve problem

Filed under: heroin addictions

"Typically, people think of heroin addicts as Vietnam War vets or junkies hanging out in downtown Cleveland," Smith said. "I'd say the face of heroin addiction is different than that." Smith said heroin users he sees tend to be 18- to 25-year-old white …



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