Bitter Truth and Fatal Effects of Crack Cocaine

Cocaine is a very harmful drug which causes many physical and mental effects to the human body. Cocaine is obtained from the coca plant in the crystalline form. It is a very addictive stimulant which takes control over the body’s nervous system. Cocaine occurs in various forms by reacting it many other substances. The most harmful and addictive of them all are cocaine sulfate, freebase, and crack cocaine. In this article I would like to aware all the general public about the most harmful crack cocaine.


Crack is a form of cocaine which makes a cracking sound on heating. Crack addiction is one of society’s biggest problems today. Persons addicted to crack cocaine will do almost anything to get the drug. It has reached all levels of our society; rich, poor, and everyone in between. Crack is the most active and potent form of cocaine. It is about 80-100% pure, far stronger and effective than regular cocaine. It is found in solid block structure or crystals.


After inhaling crack cocaine, the harmful chemicals are rapidly absorbed by the lungs. The lungs pass those chemicals in the blood stream and then it is swiftly carried to the brain. Crack is one of the most powerful, addictive illicit drug which causes physical and mental health of the inhaler. Scientists suggest that it also leads towards certain psychological disorders. Crack in large amount is smoked rather than sniffed. Consumptions of cocaine in large quantity can lead to nervous disorders, coma or even death. Crack consumer’s rapid rush gives him 5-7 min pleasure but after that he is left with depression.


Out of dozens of street terms for crack in use today, the most common are:

o Base o beat o candy o crack o crunch & munch o kryptonite o raw o scrabble o sugar block o topo (Spanish) o troop


Crack cocaine casts a very long lasting effect to the human body but it also has few short term effects. Crack decreases the man’s life. Crack leads to depression, fatigue and edginess. People who use it often don’t sleep properly. Their heart beat also increases. The drug makes them feel angry, hostile and anxious-even when they aren’t high. Cocaine increases the chances of likelihood in the user and he may experience heart attack, stroke, respiratory failure, any of which can result in sudden death. Smoking crack can also cause severe chest pain and bleeding.



o Loss of appetite o Increased heart rate o High blood pressure and body temperature o Nausea o Anxiety and depression o Constricted peripheral blood vessels o Dilated pupils o Excessive doses (even one time) may lead to sudden death


o Liver, kidney and lung damage o Problems during breathing o Severe tooth decay o Malnutrition, Weight loss o Sexual dysfunction and damage to the genitals (for both men and women) o Severe depression o addiction (even after just one use) o mood disturbance o Sweating


When crack becomes habitual then it’s very difficult for the addict to leave it. Researchers have come across many treatments but they were unsuccessful. Scientists recommend that by under-estimating them and insulting them, crack can be treated. Other options leave to severe punishments and force them to leave it.

If you want to leave a simple, happy and healthy life then I request to all of you to be aware from today so that you don’t need to lament afterwards.


Wanda Banfield: One Way Out –


An addiction to crack cocaine ruled Wanda’s life for year until she fell on her knees on a jail cell floor… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN



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