As a Pre-Med Student, What Should I Be Studying for Fun Over the Summer?

Question by Burt Bacharach: As a Pre-Med Student, what should I be studying for fun over the summer?
Are there some sort of medical books about diagnosing stories, or websites, that I could look at? Should I be studying only for my chemistry next semester? I feel pretty confident.

What I’m really worried about is that there is so much medical mumbo-jumbo I don’t get; when I job shadow at the hospital I am assaulted with words I don’t understand. Is there a good way I can get a grasp for this?

Best answer:

Answer by alien3starr
You could ask the doctors that you job shadow for books and advice. Don’t worry about the vocabulary though. You will learn it when you go to med school. There’s no rush. I would suggest studying biology.

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Part 4: The prescription drug abuse problem

Filed under: drug abuse centers

Reach Up participants have a self-reported low incidence of substance abuse, but they often have to cope with addiction and substance abuse in their family circle. Parents, siblings, spouses and partners are frequently drug dependent and sometimes …


W.Va. drug abuse spawning 'generation of lost souls' | TribLIVE

Filed under: drug abuse centers

The Justice Center at the nonpartisan Council of State Governments says West Virginians are more likely to die from drug overdoses than residents of any other state, and one in 10 adults has a substance abuse problem. Nationally, child abuse and …
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