As a LIBERAL, Is Giving Clean Needles to Crack Whores the Equivalent of Making Eagle Scout for Normal People?

Question by David Styvaert: As a LIBERAL, is giving clean needles to crack whores the equivalent of making Eagle Scout for normal people?
I don’t get how wearing ribbons and hugging trees and protesting America gives liberals their self-imposed sense of moral superiority. You’d think that after 60 years of completely failing America, and them losing the Soviet Union, they’d get that what they believe in doesn’t make sense.

The only thing I can figure is that when you move up the liberal ladder to the point you’re “helping” drug addicts would be similar to what us normal people see when one of us makes Eagle Scout.

Feel free to disagree and explain to me if I’m wrong about this. Thanks for trying to help me understand.

Best answer:

Answer by amyza29
Come on, when people are smoking the seriously good sh*t, anything makes sense to them. No matter how frigged up it is.

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