As a 17 Year Old Do I Legally Have to Go to “therapy” if My Parents Force Me To?

Question by CCG: As a 17 year old do I legally have to go to “therapy” if my parents force me to?
Im 17 years old and living in california.
the reason why i put therapy in quotes is because its not really therapy. Im gay and my parents don’t like it. So they are taking me to this church organization, New Creations, to un-gay me.

Ive been there once and its a waste of time and money but my parents are all gun ho for it?

can i refuse this treatment even though I’m underage? Even though its not really a treatment for something curable or like an addiction… do i legally HAVE to go as a minor?

Best answer:

Answer by Suzii
Part of growing up, is accepting things as they are, and going along with them unless they are harmful. Yes you can refuse to go. No you do not have to legally go. In the end, you relaxing about this, and accepting this boring therapy will show maturity in making decisions in your life. You will win by going. You will win if in a hard and maybe embarrasing situtaion you can stand on your own and defend yourself, you win not only self respect, but the respect of others. Im sorry they do not respect your wishes. As parents we would hope for the usual, but if this makes you happy, your happiness is what is most important. As a parent my concern would be, please dont get mad at me, but my concern would be that you are putting yourself at more risk of getting a life threatening std. Yes girls get pregnant and their parents are now footing the bill. This could be life ending for their precious son. Just try to make it through this, and hopefully your parents will stop trying to change you. It might help if you told them you will stop dating until you are 18 and and living on your own, as part of a peace keeping plan. Take care, its not like their forcing you to get a Mike Tyson face tattoo or something right?

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