Art Without Borders

Art without borders
Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together,” wrote John Ruskin. We British like to describe ourselves as a nation of gardeners. With typical insular arrogance, we appropriate all the credit for horticultural skill and landscape design, as if the Arabs, the Japanese and the mainland Europeans had never laid out an Alhambra, or a Ryoanji, or a Versailles.
Read more on Independent

Falling through the cracks
IF you are not part of the solution, then maybe you are part of the problem.
Read more on Irish Examiner

Rethinking raves in aftermath of Electric Daisy Carnival
After teen’s death at the Electric Daisy festival, artists and L.A. promoters seek to distance events like the upcoming Hard L.A. fest from the stigma attached to such massive dance party shows. After teen’s death at the Electric Daisy festival, artists and L.A. promoters seek to distance events like the upcoming Hard L.A. fest from the stigma attached to such massive dance party shows.
Read more on Los Angeles Times

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