Any Tips on Sexual Side Effects and Anti-Depressants???

Question by WHATSUP???: Any tips on sexual side effects and Anti-Depressants???
Im on very low doses of Celexa and Xanax. I have a more difficult time achieving orgasm during sex and even while masturbating. Sometimes it just doesnt happen no matter how hard I try. My sex drive is also slightly lower than normal. Overall the benefits of the meds outweight the side effects. But the sexual issues are annoying.

Any tips to offset my side effects?

Best answer:

Answer by combackkidxxx
yeah, here’s a tip.
would you rather be depressed and have anxiety attacks [which is what xanax is for.] or would you rather want an orgasm?

first….xanax is very addictive, regardless of how low it is.
i’m not sure about celexa…but if you seriously are kindda immature about all this…considering mental health is better than sexual health…ask about zoloft.
they have less of a side effect.
besides that….the side effects stop after a period of time.
you either take the meds or you dont.

but i’d really be smart and take the effects.
don’t push yourself into orgasming. if you know you have a hard time…then don’t do it. there’s other things in life to be worried about than if you can cum or not.

come on now…think.

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