An Insight to the Menace of Drug Addiction

The problem of addiction to various substances detrimental to human health is the trend in the present era. The addiction is psychological and genetic in origin. We find addictions run in families like if the forefathers were addicted to tobacco then the new generation is to alcohol, caffeine etc.

Medically drug addiction is defined as ‘A state of periodic or chronic intoxication caused by repeated use of natural or synthetic drug’. This type of addiction is a set back for the individual and the society. Our economy is affected due to such habits and dependence. The dependence can be of a physical or mental in nature. What begins as a fun trip to the world of pleasure eventually becomes a bane. Temptation is a basic trait of teenage. When we come across fashionable item our first desire is to posses it. On a similar ground we get provoked while watching others enjoy the bliss of stimulating drugs.

Who Are Afflicted To Drug Addiction

1. Some addictive substances increase the physical and mental stamina to such an extent that the belief that anything can be accomplished by its use takes deep root in the mind. We find professionals and sportsperson performing well after drug intake but in the long run it is detrimental to their health and career.

2. The children deprived of parental love, money and exposed to social evil like sexual abuse, mal handling are more prone to fall a prey to this menace. They are misinformed about the entire process and try to use it as a tool to take revenge on their parents and society. But they end up as habitual abusers and find it difficult to revert back.

3. The drug intake in medication form is taking an upswing in the society. These individuals take medicine to alleviate their pain or discomfort and in the long term are unable to give away the habit.

4. The women are sensitive creatures and easily fall into the clutches of drug habit. They are affected by emotional trauma like bereavement from loved one, rape, sexual abuse, divorce etc. The above problems are also true for the male populace. But in addition they go for drug to increase their efficiency, appease friend and display of masochism.

As the drug abuse is on the rise the society has a major role to play apart from health personnel.

Treatment for Addiction in Children

Since physical, mental and social factors are involved, counseling for patient and parent is a necessity. If the problem is detected at the earliest then the antidote medicines can be easily advocated. Sometimes the child is not affected to that extent and few sessions of counseling and medication suffice. Residential treatment is given for severely addicted children. Here group counseling and discussion help children who seek emotional support.

Jason Uvios writes about on An Insight To The Menace of Drug Addiction to visit :- drug addiction treatment, xanax addiction and opiate addiction

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