Am I Crazy and Do I Need Therapy?

Question by : Am i crazy and do i need therapy?
I am a teenager in high school. i have been the biggest disaster. i USED to be very depressed and cut myself. however, I eventually began feeling this upset and stopped cutting on my own (without seeking professional help). i only had told a couple of my close friends and they helped me get through it. its been 3 years and i still cant forget about. i think about my cutting almost everyday and i cry myself to sleep because it really took a toll on me. lately i have been lashing out to my parents and they have threatened theraoy multiple times (though they know NOTHING about my past depression).

Lately my anxiety and depression has escalated to the extreme. I have been panicking about future social events months from now worrying that i will sit at home bymyself for all of them. my latest one is new years. I have been stressing over the stupidest things, sleeping excessivly, unable to complete my school work, and one of my friends has completely abondoned me (probably because of my excessive stress) and this has REALLY effected me. i cant stop crying about my lost friendship and blaming myself for the loss. I know this question is really random, but it is like my brain because my thoughts are spiraling in my head.

I feel like i am losing my mind. Last nght, I cut myself again and i have been crying and spazzing over that. my friends think i need therapy, but none of them know that i cut myself again. Am I crazy???? am i losing my mind??? i know i need help, but i CANT tell my family, they would cry and freak out. so i dont know what to do! help!

Best answer:

Answer by yeahh
You’re not crazy or losing your mind. Talk to the school counselor, and if you have a school psychologist talk to them. They can help you talk to your family or give you options to help yourself.

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More teen suicides in Douglas County; prevention program says 'Talk to your kids'

Filed under: teenagers and drug abuse

Children with histories of depression, substance abuse and aggressive behavior should be monitored. Kids and teens may call 1-800-273-TALK (800-273-8255) to talk to someone about their thoughts or those of a friend or family member who may be in crisis …
Read more on The Denver Channel


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