Alcohol Withdrawal?

Question by ara: Alcohol withdrawal?
My dad’s been been a daily drinker since his teens and had to stop yesterday due to severe nonstop leg spams which the doc said might be causing it. Well since he stopped drinking he hallucinated a bit and has been shaky and getting chills. How do you know the alcohol withdrawal needs emergency attention?

Best answer:

Answer by mlgable
He needs to go to ER now if he is hallucinating and has the other symptoms. He is having severe withdrawl symptoms and needs to be monitored. Take him to ER now and get him checked out please.

Answer by Megan C
He needs to go to the hospital. Don’t worry, he will be fine. His body has come to rely on the alcohol. Now his body is going thru “detox”. It will be much easier for him, if he does it medically. At the hospital, they will give him meds. The meds will relax him & let the alcohol exit his body w/o the horrible side effects. He would still go thru it all, but possibly not remember it or effect others (family members) while dealing with it. Urge him to go. It can only help. Good Luck. He needs your support.

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