Alcohol Addiction Treatment Call 877-463-1658 Alcohol Treatment Rehab


Alcohol Addiction Treatment Call 877-463-1658 Alcohol Treatment Rehab


AA meetings at treatment facility closed to public

Filed under: alcohol addiction treatment centers

Addictions officials at Health P.E.I. changed a number of policies at the detox centre last fall including banning smoking and disallowing visitors, including family members, from visiting patients admitted for alcohol and drug detox and rehab …
Read more on The Guardian Charlottetown


New center for homeless veterans opens its doors in San Jose

Filed under: alcohol addiction treatment centers

There also is counseling for drug and alcohol addictions, treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental-health conditions as well. Visitors tour the grounds during the grand opening of a transitional housing facility in San Jose …
Read more on San Jose Mercury News


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