Addiction Specialist or Psychiatrist. Whose Evaluation Is More Legally Binding.?

Question by Marina: Addiction specialist or psychiatrist. Whose evaluation is more legally binding.?
My employer sent me to see a psychiatrist to see how severe my depression was and how it would effect my return to work. The psychiatrist said that I should be fine seeing a good therapist, not necessarily a psychiatrist for 6 months to a year and then he would reevaluate me to see about my fitness to return to work. My employer then sent me to see an addictions specialist who surmised that I was a drug addict needing 45 days of detox and then when I do go back to work I have to do a urine test every two days. I have to admit that because I am not at work at present I do indulge in the ganja on occasion which is why I tested positive with the addictions specialist. I am by no means a chronic user and I have not been at work since Feb of last year. I DO NOT NEED DETOX!
When I asked the employer why they will not consider the psychiatrists opinion their answer to me was “He’s not an addictions specialist”. The “addictions specialist” is actually a sports injury doctor with a special counseling course in addiction. Is it true that his opinion can override that of a psychiatrist?

Best answer:

Answer by Kelle
Both opinions are valid and used as such.

Legalities of their opinions is not a factor.

If drugs aren’t a problem , what’s the big deal?

Your anger over the drug opinion is suspicious.

You’re lucky to be getting all these opinions. Most folks who test positive just get the boot.

See “long term effects”. Depression is one of them.Denial is also a factor.

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