A Comparative Study of Educational Adjustment of Disadvantaged Adolescents in Thailand and India (Case Study in Northern)
any intervention programme. The intervention programme were conducted in two states: ten administrators conducted face-to-face interviews with disadvantaged adolescent in India and three administrators in Thailand by post in control group were as followed second state:
In India: A group of facilitators were called to develop rapport with the Indian disadvantaged adolescents from there house at Chennai Himmat Slum area in Jammu, (Jammu & Kashmir State, India). In addition, collect necessary data on educational adjustment by administering the selected tools meeting at the same time for data collected were an adjustment of the questionnaires in each of groups by Hindi (mother tongue of the respondent).
In Thailand: The questionnaires in Thai (mother tongue of the respondent) were administered to the Thai disadvantaged adolescents of two orphanages from Teresa Anusorn Foundation (Ban Teresa), and the investigator collected from Yong People Develop, and later the questionnaires.
Experimental group by intervention / Treatment Programme
Experts: all the facilitators who were willing to participate in the study were invited for receiving community sensitization, booklet distribution, and CD training;
Experimental group: 200 disadvantaged students who scored below averae scores in the knowledge test studies had got least scores were given one day training programme on intervention or treatment as follows: in the morning: the orientation and participants programme concentrated on basic issues such as: general framework of adolescent growth, and consisted of discussions and demonstrations. The training programme ncluded the activities so as to develop the psychological and social maturity and in-censoring self direction. The individual experiences an upsurge of psychological changes, emotional upheavals and behavioral conditions. The revised questionnaires were administered to the experimental group as to find out the effect of interventio
The completed questionnaires were collated and entered into the computer. The data was entered and analyzed using SPSS. After verification and reduction of data, descriptive frequencies were completed. This was followed by uni-variate and multi-variety procedures to assess the impact of the interventions and to identify other predictors of change in the psychological and social maturity and in-censoring self direction. The individual experiences an upsurge of psychological changes, emotional upheavals and behavioral conduction. Analysis was stratified by sex shown how responded to the variables of psychological changes, differ boys, girls, age, and education. Descriptive statistics was used to profile the study population. The psychological changes were then used to explore the demographic variables associated with education adjustment. Following statistical techniques were applied in the present project: Paired Samples “T”-test and “F”-test.
The profiles of the 250 Northern Indian and Thai respondent questionnaires are analyzed to find out the relationship between demographic characteristics of the sample population. It was found that Thai boys (56%) have scored more than Indian boys (54.40%) and Indian girls (45.60%) more than Thai girls (44%) have. In the same age group of 15 years old, and the same of Standard: 9 (India) and Thai from the secondary school (Grades 3), is shown in Table 1.
A significant difference between boys and girls in control group was reported after pretest in Indian adolescents. There was no significant difference in the pre and post-test scores of Indian and Thai in educational adjustment. Commonality in educational adjustment of both Indian and Thai groups was reported. Implications of the study for the awareness programmes were suggested, are shown in Table 2-9.
In many Northern states of India and Thailand, the educational adjustment and problems associated with achievement of Indian and Thai disadvantaged adolescents. There were neglect and need to improved the adjustment with understand by themselves, family, friends, and other people in there community and social, that, were suggested as; (1) both of them need become a good boys and girls, can thinks and can doing and can solve there problems in there future well-being of them. (2) There need to develop and include the adjustments education programme in the schools curriculums to improve them become a friendly relations to other people around of them. (3) Need to adjustment of developed, good attitude by themselves and other to being a good life in the future.
I thank to Dr. Y. N. Sridhar, Guide of Research for me. I would like too many helpful and thank the following students, Mr. Kasame