A few nice crystal meth images I found:
20091218 – rockvertisment – GEDC1196
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
While taking out the trash, I discovered (and sort of tripped on) a plastic ziplock bag containing a rock. Was it a rock of crystal meth? No, it with an advertisement for a stupid paving company.
What the hell kind of way is this to advertise? Leaving big rocks in my yard? What if I had tripped, or parked my car on one of these?
What a shitty idea. If you’re going to pick a paving company, please don’t use Gorman Paving! I googled them and found horror stories — and they are obviously too desperate to deal with, if they are resorting to pathetic advertising methods such as this.
I also filed a police report, which does absolutely nothing other than put into the record that they are doing this. If you ask me, it’s littering. I felt violated. The phone books are bad enough, but at least they have some sort of use. (And aren’t put in my driveway, where I drive.)
Gorman Paving business, advertisment, plastic bag, rock.
front yard, Clint and Carolyn’s house, Alexandria, Virginia.
December 18, 2009.
… Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
… Read Carolyn’s blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com