The 7 Step Plan to Stopping Porn Addiction in Your Marriage

The 7 Step Plan to Stopping Porn Addiction in Your Marriage

Although Pornography use is many times referred to as the victimless sin, it is in fact full of victims. From the person viewing, to the spouse or other family members, everyone is being affected directly or indirectly. As pornography is continually used, it eventually loses its power to stimulate and further entices the user to progress to other forms of sexual satisfaction, which causes many circumstances of more physical situations to arise.

To keep your marriage and have success with overcoming porn addiction, you must first realize that it is almost impossible to do this with the presence of a porn addiction in your marriage. You can only begin rebuilding your marriage on a solid foundation once this behavior is removed entirely.

Whether pornography is being used by you or your spouse, once it is understood that there “is” a problem, you then are ready for the resolution. Following a step by step plan makes it easier to pursue success and overcome this addiction.

These are the 7 Action Steps a user would need to begin repairing the damage that has taken place:

(1) Realize the Damage it Has Caused – Analyze how this behavior has affected you and those that are around you.

(2) Analyze the Patterns of Temptations – Avoiding places and locations that have triggered your pornography use in the past is important. Using computers in public or in the presence of others is also helpful. It would be a good ideal to purchase filtering software that will block pornographic content effectively.

(3) Come to an Awareness of Emotional Triggers – Sorting out what temptations lead to the desire to view pornography is important. Is it people you’re around, the job, specific days/times etc.?

(4) Acknowledging it as Sin – It is important to do away with justifying it as right in some way or another. Realizing that it hinders your relationship with God and is sinful in nature is crucial.

(5) Re-establish Your Relationship with God – Memorizing scripture so that you can fight against temptation with scripture as it comes up is a great strategy. Deepen your relationship with God by prayer and studying His Word.

(6) Look for a Good Support System – Find a Christian Ministry that helps men and women recover from porn addiction. This will also help you to remain accountable.

(7) Seek Counseling from a Sexual Addiction Therapist – If this has been a long term addiction, seeking assistance from a Therapist that is experienced in this area can be very helpful and can make the difference in the recovery process. Because there could be some long term problems, such as affairs, divorce, sexually transmitted diseases etc. this is a very crucial step to have long term success.

God desires reconciliation for marriages and to Himself. This road ahead might not necessarily be the easiest, but with God it is “definitely” possible. By applying these 7 key components it multiplies your possibility for success with Porn Addiction and allows your marriage to be kept in one piece. God Bless.

Kisa Puckett is a married mother of 2 and a Marriage/Family Coach. Need more help with Porn Addiction? Visit to learn the 4 Triggers of Porn Addiction and to learn more marriage success secrets, go to

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