Designing Rehab Programs: A Local Government Guidebook

Designing rehab programs: A local government guidebook

This volume is produced from digital images created through the University of Michigan University Library’s large-scale digitization efforts. The Library seeks to preserve the intellectual content of items in a manner that facilitates and promotes a variety of uses. The digital reformatting process results in an electronic version of the original text that can be both accessed online and used to create new print copies. The Library also understands and values the usefulness of print and makes re

List Price: $ 19.99

Price: $ 19.99

Coronary Artery Disease: Essentials of Prevention & Rehab Programs (Hardcover Book)

  • Author(s): Brubaker, Whaley, Kaminsk
  • Published: 12-4-2001
  • SHK00419

Three coauthors from two of the most highly regarded U.S. schools for coronary artery disease (CAD) programs take a fresh approach to prevention and rehabilitation in Coronary Artery Disease: Essentials of Prevention and Rehabilitation Programs. Peter Brubaker, Leonard Kaminsky, and Mitchell Whaley combine real-world examples with the fundamental principles of CAD management, laying the foundation for a new way of thinking about prevention and secondary rehabilitation programs.


Price: $ 57.99

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