Drug User Found Friend Dead From ‘Heroin Overdose’

Drug user found friend dead from ‘heroin overdose’
A HEROIN user has vowed to turn his life around after a friend who was staying at his Banstead home died of a suspected overdose.
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Policeman ‘raped vulnerable women’
A Northumbria Police officer preyed on vulnerable women he met on duty and then raped them, a court has heard. Pc Stephen Mitchell, 42, denies five counts of rape, six of indecent assault and 15 of misconduct in public office, with the alleged offences spanning a seven-year period.
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Man accused of killing girlfriend in Pasco says he did it and he’s glad
By Drew Harwell, Times Staff Writer Monday, October 11, 2010 HOLIDAY — The man charged with brutally murdering and raping the 22-year-old mother of his son said he feels neither sadness nor remorse. “I have never been more at peace with myself, ever,” Thomas Cacacie, 26, said Monday during an interview with the Times at the Land O’Lakes jail. “I feel like now she’s in a better place. … I’m kind …
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