Clancy and the Bear Dance: One Ute Mountain Boy’s Journey From Alcoholism and Abuse to Wholeness! Reviews
Clancy and the Bear Dance: One Ute Mountain Boy’s Journey from Alcoholism and Abuse to Wholeness!
CHILDRENS ALCOHOL, ABUSE AND RECOVERY (PAPERBACK) By Juanita Adams, (Retired) M.A., M.F.T., C.A.C.: Although this beautiful story is set next to Ute Mountain in Towaoc, Colorado (United States), it is a story that can be universally understood by anyone in any part of the world. The author tells the tale of Clancy, a young Ute Mountain (Native American) boy who lives in a home filled with chaos, abuse and alcoholism with his mom, dad and little sister; but not for long, because dad’s behavior fo
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