Q&A: How Do You Prevent People Seeking Help Here Getting Turned Away by All the Druggie Questions and Answers?

Question by Tony I: How do you prevent people seeking help here getting turned away by all the druggie questions and answers?
This is the Alternative Medicine section, but far too often it is overrun by questions and answers about getting high. I know for a fact that people who came here to ask questions have been turned off and left after seeing the forum look like a teen druggie hangout. Who is going to think they will get any legitimate advice about health issues in site they perceive as a druggie forum?

Apparently there is no screening in place for such questions, but YA does delete any question or answer that is reported which advises in favor of doing anything harmful or illegal.

There is a reason that every question and answer has a “Report Abuse” button. I suggest that, in addition to trying to prevent harm by warning about the dangers of drug use and getting high, and pointing out that such questions do not belong here, we should use the Report button every time we see someone giving or seeking advice about something that could be harmful or illegal.

So long as those who ask and answer such questions feel comfortable here and are allowed to get away with it, they will continue to do so – to the detriment of the whole section.

In case anyone is wondering, any messages which advise in favor of doing something that is illegal or harmful, especially when minors are concerned, is a violation of Community Guidelines. Furthermore, when someone advises anyone to do something that is illegal (and that includes pot) they can be criminally liable for aiding and abetting a crime. When they advise anyone to do something that results in harm, they can also be civilly liable for the consequences.
EDIT – RE, the section doe nevertheless exist and people will come here seeking advice according to the title of the section. When it comes down to it, aren’t the people on “legitimate” alt med or mainstream med sites also strangers?

Other posters – you may have other peeves such as suicide and sex, but this question is specifically about the inappropriateness and dangers of questions and answers which favor getting high and drug abuse and people getting turned away because of them.

EDIT – SkepDoc, I think plenty of people here have been sick of you and your mainstream agenda for a long time. If you don’t like my questions, stay away from them. At any rate, you can take it to the bank that you won’t be telling me what to do here.

An earlier question I posed generated several responses who agreed that such questions do not belong here. I suppose you would rather have nothing but posts warning about alternatives to mainstream drugs but you cannot force YOUR will on this section, no matter how many votes you recruit here and on other sites to try to do so.

Rules are rules, if you don’t like them go somewhere you find rules more to your liking.

Fess up doc, you are just irked because some of your disgusting insults and personal attacks were reported and deleted. Given your own behavior, I can see how reporting violations of Community Guidelines is not something you are fond of.
EDIT – Gary, what is considered illegal is to promote the sale of colloidal silver in conjunction with specific health claims. There is nothing illegal about discussing or recommending it in a forum. The constitutionality of the rule against commercial promotion has yet to be determined. The alphabet agencies that serve the interests of big pharma have had their heads handed to them in trying to suppress commercial freedom of speech lately – and one colloidal silver company has stymied them completely.

This question is not about me or about colloidal silver nor about mainstream naysayers taking another opportunity to get a shot in. It is about the approptiateness of questions and answers advocating potentially harmful or illegal drug use – and YA must agree with me because they remove every question and answer I report on the issue.
EDIT – Dave, your concern is noted, but FYI, the link you gave goes to a preliminary study from 2007. In a later study published last year, the author (Assoc Prof Suresh Valiyaveettil, Materials Research Lab).stated:

“Toxicity depends on how much silver nanoparticles you feed into the cell. If it is a very small amount, it doesn’t show any toxicity. But if the concentration increases, the toxicity increases.”

20 PPM is indeed a very small amount.
Before I put this one to bed:

I don’t propose to TELL anyone what to do, but I do propose to voice my opinion as is my right. It is my opinion that:

First we should warn of dangers whenever appropriate,

Second, we should report any answers or questions which advise in favor of something that might be harmful or illegal.


Third, we should point out that this section is not appropriate for questions about getting high or abusing drugs.

Frankly, I cannot see how anyone who cares about kids and wants this section to serve those seeking advice about alternative medicine could think otherwise.

Thanks for the answers and input.

Best answer:

Answer by X. marK.
It has “medicine” in it. Which strays people to drugs.
It should be in the “other” section. But no one besides you cares.
And complaining wont help.

Let us post smaller questions and posts to save people time.
Shall we?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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