I Don’t Drink Coffee, Is That a Bad Thing?

Question by Liliana: I don’t drink coffee, is that a bad thing?
I am in college now and it seems that all of my friends are coffee “addicts” but I am not. How can I get into coffee? What is the difference between a cappoochinoo and a frappaaachinooo? What is an expresoooo?? Why the weird/ sophiscated names? What about mocha? Latte? Why do some coffees have ice in them?

I want to be a starbucks addict just like my friends!!! 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Katie W
I hope you don’t fall into a crowd of drug addicts next… eesh.

If you want to be just like your friends in drinking coffee, then drink coffee. If you want to flatter them, ask them about the differences in the drinks and which they think is better and why.

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