Life for some is torture and suffering. David has suffered. This book is about David’s recovery and documents his rise from a life of addiction to sleeping pills (diazepam), intense depression and suicide attempts. David has been in and out of hospital, experiences that would have ruined a lesser person but that have only served to make him stronger. Anybody who has experience of mental illness will find resonance in this book, it is emotional and dark but ultimately it’s a
List Price: $ 9.00
Information, exercises, and activities in the Criminal & Addictive Thinking workbook will help offenders see that criminality and addiction are thinking problems before they become behavior problems. Offenders will learn:
• how their thinking influences their feelings and behavior
• how to recognize their own distorted thinking patterns (e.g., jumping to conclusions, selective focusing, excuse making)
• how to stop criminal and addictive thinking patterns
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