Is My Husband an Alcoholic?

Question by Triplel1973: Is my husband an alcoholic?
I have been married to my husband for nearly 6 years now. I know he has a drinking problem, although he says that everything is under control. There have been many incidents over the years that have led me to this conclusion. This morning my sister-in-law came to me and handed me several pamphlets with information about Alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous for me to read. I said thank you and told her that I would read them. How would you have reacted to this? I have been talking lately with my MIL extensively about this problem, and she and I are in agreement that my husband needs help. We ALSO agree that unless he is willing to admit that he has a problem, there is not much ANY of us can do! Personally, I have been dealing with this situation with him for nearly 7 years, and his Mom and the rest of the family for about 10 years. It is to the point where his behavior when he drinks is causing problems with our relationship and also his relationships with his parents and siblings as well. Despite the fact that we love him very much, we are all growing tired of it. I personally have been contemplating leaving him and feel guilt-ridden about these thoughts, but I don’t know how much more I can take. Part of me feels that I would be abandoning him, but I am tired of living this way! He has voluntarily attended alcohol awareness programs twice in the past. It goes without saying that I or none of us can or should try to “force” him to attend AA. We have no children yet. I really am at a crossroads between continuing to stay and try to “help” someone who denies there is a problem and running like hell before another 7 years goes by! What are your suggestions?
Just for the record, this was not an issue while we dating. It started after we were married and has escalated from there.

Best answer:

Answer by Rebekah
You answered your own question. The only thing you can do for him is get yourself to alanon.

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