Q&A: Marijuana as a Gateway to What Exactly?
Question by Tim2312: marijuana as a gateway to what exactly?
I was just wondering why people still believe the fifties propaganda that marijuana is a gateway drug. I could understand it if they meant that people like to experience different sensations but the whole concept of a “marijuana addiction,” (which is so much bull to begin with) leading to other addictions seems so strange a concept to me. I have tried many drugs but the only one I found appealing was marijuana so I didn’t do the other ones again and I use marijuana in moderation for specific purposes like I do any foreign substance I ingest. Do people not realize that every different drug brings a different kind of effect and addiction to one is completely different from addiction to another?
Best answer:
Answer by Kate
It’s more of a trend, not an absolute truth. A lot of times, the people who use marijuana are using it to escape, and since marijuana isn’t the best drug to escape, and the needed escape generally persists, they progress onto other, harder drugs. The actual use of marijuana has little to do with the drug itself and more with its prevalence.
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