I Have a Question About How Drug Use Can Cause Depression?

Question by Goobery: I have a question about how drug use can cause depression?

So by now we all know that most hard drugs mimic chemicals in the brain. Such as Meth, Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy and so on. like for example. Meth mimics Dopamine levels in the brain. This tricks the brain into thinking it has an unlimited amount of dopamine and causes an intens rush of dopamine which is where the high comes from. And as we know. It lasts for hours. And after the high is over we don’t have as many dopamine left everytime we do it because it was all wasted during the high. This is what causes the depression.

All the other drugs work the same way. Like Heroin. It mimics a chemical in the brain that opens up our opiate receptors and causes a rush or endorphins that lasts hours. Or like Ecstasy mimics serotonin levels in the brain and causes a rush or serotonin that lasts for hours. After the high we have less Serotonin left. And everytime we do one of these drugs we have less and less the more we do it. So its like a give and take. You get one extreamly awesome high and the price you pay is depression.

My question is. If we have chemicals in our brains that make us feel good. Don’t we have chemicals in our brains that make us feel horrible????? If so. Why don’t we just come up with some sort of drug that mimics the bad chemicals in the brain so we get a rush of horrible feelings instead of good ones. So after the high we feel happy and nothing bothers us anymore. lmao and the more we do the less things bring us down in life.

I thought of this idea out of nowhere.
Is it possible? I don’t see why it wouldn’t be since we have both chemicals in the brain that make us feel good and chemicals in the brain that make us feel horrible and sick.

Best answer:

Answer by Mr Hex Vision
The drugs that make you feel happy, will bind to the same sites in the brain that make you happy when your normal hormones bind to them.

However with pro-long usage of these these receptor sites can become damage or that they need longer to repair themselves.

Due to this, the bodies normal hormones will not bind as much when the synthetic drug is out of the system. Because of this and because you have experience greater than normal “happy moods” while drug taking, to to this pyshologicial conditioning the normal body chemical effect will feel lower than normal plus making you feel depressed.

it is also possible as you say that bad drugs will block this sites and stop them from working normally.

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