What Is the Definition of Addiction, Is Marijuana an Addictive Substance?

Question by lizzie: what is the definition of addiction, is marijuana an addictive substance?
do you feel it should be legalized? can you explain your answer

Best answer:

Answer by Damien
There’s psychological addiction and there’s physiological addiction. Technically they really boil down to the same thing but they’re different to a degree.

Marijuana is not addictive. Think of it this way, it’s comparable to being addicted to cupcakes. They’re tasty and pleasurable therefore your brain releases serotonin and dopamine. You associate cupcakes with pleasure so you have them again if you get the chance. But there’s also consequences to eating cupcakes, like getting fat. So you’re still able to rationalize and weigh the pleasures and pains of eating cupcakes and make a decision when you’re faced with cupcake peer pressure. Same thing with Mary J. Just like some people are overweight, some people are potheads. That doesn’t make the substance bad, it implies a hedonistic personality type.

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