How Dose Detox Work for Alcoholics in a Hospital?

Question by wakeuphappy: How dose detox work for alcoholics in a hospital?
I drink too much and cannot stop right now to get the never up to go to AA.How does detox work?

Best answer:

Answer by devlin2876
Listen…stopping drinking suddenly after a long period of drinking can lead to severe alcohol withdrawals. This includes DT’s, tremors, seizures, and in some cases Death!! Detox is a good way to wean yourself off Alcohol using medications that help with all the withdrawl symptoms, and safely detox your system of any alcohol. That is just the first step in recovery! So if I were you…I would strongly suggest an inpatient rehab, or atleast a outpatient treatment center, combinded with daily AA meetings. Just want to let you know…Alcohol is just a symptom of the bigger problem….take it from me….a recovering Alcoholic…

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