What Does the [Sic]’s Mean in This Next Paragraph?

Question by K-LA.: What does the [sic]’s mean in this next paragraph?
We had important jobs on what was then the largest private construction project in the world [i.e., Walt Disney World], and many of us blew off steam after work most days. One night I broke up a fight at Horne’s between one of my guys and a construction worker. The construction guy took off, and I asked my guy what the problem was.
He said the construction worker said that Walt Disney had been a cocaine addict. He said the proof was that Walt Disney had invented Snow White and the Seven Dwarves [sic]. Snow White was cocaine, and the seven dwarves were the symptoms of various stages of cocaine addiction: Grumpy, Sleepy, Grouchy [sic], Dopey, Sneezy, Happy, and so forth.3
I read it off this website that sorts out true and false urban legends: http://www.snopes.com

Best answer:

Answer by Leslie T
Has to do with spelling of the word, previous to the {sic}

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