Long-Term Effects of Ecstasy?

Question by inevoielaspreknow: Long-term effects of ecstasy?
Okay, so I used to do a lot of ecstasy (stupid, immature, I know!). Everyday for almost about a year, and then off and on for another year while trying to quit. I always took it first thing in the morning, and then more everytime it started to wear out. I haven’t done it since I was 15; I am 17 now.

Ever since I quit I’ve had severe depression that doesn’t really go away even with medication, and I KNOW that it is because of ecstasy, but I also have other “side effects” that I’m not sure of and my doctor hasn’t been very helpful…

I can hardly sleep at all, no matter what I do. Sleeping pills don’t even have an effect.

Even when I’m wearing glasses, my vision gets REALLY blurry sometimes so that I can barely see, and sometimes it lasts quite a while before it goes away.

I always have really bad muscle tension now that even muscle relaxers don’t help much; my muscles might relax a tiny bit and then start twitching.

My teeth involuntarily clench to the point where it’s painful.

I always feel sick to my stomach; I can’t eat.

I keep passing out really bad; I got pulled out of school for it. Whether I’m sitting, standing… it doesn’t matter.

I have this intense pain in my neck where it feels like the bones are ‘grinding’ against each other (I have an appointment to get it checked out; my doctor says he thinks something dissolved).

So do you think any of these are related to using ecstasy so much?
Do you think they will get better with time… or get worse?
Have you experienced any of this from ecstasy or without ever doing it?
Do you know of anyone with similar problems?

I just need some input; I am sort of worried that I’m doomed for life because of my past childish and irrational choices.

Best answer:

Answer by Captain Cooley
Yeah, at such a developmentally important stage in your life, you fucked yourself over. Ecstasy shoots all the serotonin out of your nerves at once (it’s the happiness chemical), and you use it all up at once. You’ve probably permanently messed up the way your body produces serotonin. You should seriously get a new doctor and get this fixed as much as possible. Definitely related to the ecstasy use.

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