If Demerol Was Administered Into a Muscle, How Soon Could Signs of Overdose Begin to Occur?

Question by juli492: If Demerol was administered into a muscle, how soon could signs of overdose begin to occur?
Would it be within 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, etc.? I realize that this may vary but generally speaking how long?

Best answer:

Answer by AbeLincolnParty
Pain relief effects of IM Demerol can occur within 10 minutes.

The problem with Demerol (Meperidine) is that if given repeatedly over a long period of time the breakdown products are toxic. That is why it should not be used to treat long term pain.

Demerol does not act exactly like morphine or other natural opoids. It can block serotonin reuptake that promotes serotonin syndrome. The drug interactions with other serotonin promoting actions have not been fully evaluated, but there is no money incentive by the pharmaceutical industry to do that.

Meperidine is converted to nor-meperidine and it is this that promotes the hyperactive reflexes and convulsions. Nor-meperidine lasts about 6 times longer than meperidine, hence it accumulates between doses that relieve pain.

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