Question About Klonopin – Tolerance and Addiction?

Question by Katie A: Question about Klonopin – tolerance and addiction?
So I’ve been prescribed with Klonopin to take as needed for quite some time now. I’ve been hearing a lot of things about how much hell it is to get off of it though for those prescribed it daily etc. Well, since mine is AS NEEDED, Im a bit scared and have a few q’s..

They are .5 a tablet btw.

I usually only take one tab of them maybe 3-5 times a month, but as of recently I’ve been having to take them a bit more.. Because school is just killing me with anxiety and stress, so I’ve been kind of taking them everyday in order to get through school without having an attack. I never take more than 2 a day though (so 1mg). Obviously, once these hectic exams are over I’ll stop taking them every day and go back to my normal -rarely- take them sway of things. Like I said, it’s taken as needed.

Am I in any danger of becoming addicted to them? After exams (19th of Dec) when I stop taking them daily will this effect me bad at all? Will I get withdrawal? Also, how long does it take to build a tolerance? Sorry for all the questions. How long does it take and how much do you need to take in order to form an addiction? Am I safe? 🙁

Thanks so much for taking the time to read and answer this.<3 Best answer:

Answer by Yeh
Addictive? That is sorta like just snorting a small line of coke.

It wont be long before 1mg a day is not enough, and not having it at all will require a few says of suffering, maybe a week. But you will notice not having it.

The withdrawal is enough that if you went 2 days without, then found one in the sofa cushion, you would pop it down as if your fingers acted on their own.

So, I mean, it’s not like you are pumping 200 bucks of coke in your arm, every day, *that* is hard to quit.

You wont need hospitalization to quit taking 1mg a day but, Klonopin is one of the more addictive drugs you can take.

In your case, maybe it is needed.

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