I Wrote These Song lyrics…HONEST Opinions…feedback…help?

Question by Tink: i wrote these song lyrics…HONEST opinions…feedback…help?
also if you have any genre ideas that would be great also.


i’m attached to whatever your givin’ me
i can’t get of whatever you’ve started me
i can’t complain
it’s such a rush
as everything gets faster
the world slows down
like a whirl wind
i’m so confused
but i don’t wanna get off

so please dont leave
darling i couldn’t see you go
i’ll take these words
make ’em rhyme
they can be yours and mine
but if you leave
alone with you i’d go
10 feet down from withdrawal
don’t let me fall
your the brand i need
the heroine i can’t see go

what would happen if it all left?
if it all just went down
i wouldn’t walk
i’d run too see if i could fall
because i couldn’t make it on my own
hell would burst up
i would drown

so please dont leave
darling i couldn’t see you go
i’ll take these words
make ’em rhyme
they can be yours and mine
but if you leave
alone with you i’d go
10 feet down from withdrawal
don’t let me fall
your the brand i need
the heroine i can’t see go

the world spins so fast when everything slows down
why would i get so attached
if i knew
it’d be better in the end
the way the road would bend
its all so close and real
but so far to go before i can truley feel
so if you leave
i’d have no choice but along with you i’d go
10 feet down
for withdrawal
dont let me fall
your the brand i need
the heroine i can’t see go

Best answer:

Answer by bubblezN’fizz
i think it might have a good meaning, but the words at the end dont fit together i know music isnt all about words sounding the same, but some word seem like they dont fit. i like the song, but it would help to know hte tempo (aka hip/rap-rock/techno)

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