Yeast Infection Signs & Symptoms – How to Know if You Have a Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection Signs & Symptoms – How To Know If You Have A Yeast Infection

A yeast infection (also known as Candidiasis) is a common infection affecting over 75% of women. It is caused by an overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called candida, which is always present in the body without any symptoms until an overgrowth. The balance of bacteria and pH in a woman’s vagina is very delicate and can easily be altered. When this happens it throws off your body’s natural balance allowing the fungus to multiply. There are many yeast infection signs & symptoms you can experience.

There are many reasons for an alteration in your bodies bacterial and pH balance: stress, pregnancy, illness, hormones, use of antibiotics, bad diet, and improper hygiene or attire.

There are a number of common symptoms of yeast infections; you may have all of them or only a few. They are:

• Extreme itchiness in and around the vagina.
• Burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina
• Pain when urinating
• Pain during sex
• Soreness
• A thick, white vaginal discharge that looks like cottage cheese. It is usually odorless.
• A rash on the vagina

If you think you have a yeast infection, and you have never had one before, you should go see a doctor. It is highly recommended that you see a doctor the first time to ensure that a yeast infection is the actual cause of your symptoms. Yeast infections can sometimes be a sign of a more serious issue, such as an STD or Diabetes.

Once it is determined that the cause of your symptoms is in fact a yeast infection, there are numerous ways to treat it quickly and effectively. There are many over-the-counter medications available which can cure a yeast infection in as little as a day, as well as many natural treatments that can be done inexpensively in your own home.

Find Out How to Easily Cure Your Vaginal Yeast Infection Without The Use Of Dangerous Drugs Like Monistat

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Want to know if YOU have Candida or a Chronic Yeast Infection? Take our
FREE Candida Test
, Find out HOW to get rid of a yeast infection for good by clicking


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