Team and Trust Building Acitivities for Detox Patients.?

Question by STEPHEEDEE: Team and Trust Building acitivities for detox patients.?
I am a substance abuse counselor and need some ideas of games and/or activities I can set them up to do together. I have found a few on the net but more often than not they are sites to have someone come in to conduct the activities. There are approximately 8 residents here and many of the activities I found are made for more participants. Thanks in advance for any ideas I get.

Best answer:

Answer by HoneyB
A great easy one to do is to have everyone put their hands together, close their eyes, and grab two hands. After everyone has two hands in theirs, the group must work together to try to untangle everyone.

The goal is to try to have everyone in a circle (or two), just by working together weaving in and out and through everyones hands. It really is great for team building, because everyone gets to know eachother, and gets to work together on solving a problem that everyone is involved in equally. It’s also a lot of fun.

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