How Do I Help Someone Addicted to Heroin Quit Without Checking Into a Drug Treatment Facility?

Question by nahimana34: How do I help someone addicted to heroin quit without checking into a drug treatment facility?
This person (the person they were) is my best friend and I don’t know what to do to help them. We can’t afford drug treatement facilities and I know the dangers of trying to quit “cold turkey”. Any suggestions from someone who has been through this could help me save my friends life. I am afraid of walking in and finding them cold on the floor. I can’t just leave them to die. Please Help!

Best answer:

Answer by MaryJane
Sadly drug treatment is never effective unless the user wants treatment. You can put them in rehab but if they are not ready they will come out and go back to using. If they are ready then you need to get them in rehab, try an intevention.

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