Can Decadron Withdrawal Cause Panic Attacks – Panic Attack Disorder – the Facts

Can Decadron Withdrawal Cause Panic Attacks – Panic Attack Disorder – The Facts

If you are suffering from anxiety or panic attacks and need help I encourage you to read this now on what helped me >>

Here’s how I went from being afraid to leave my house to looking forward to my daily jog outside… Click here now to find out how I cured my panic attacks for good >>

What is a panic attack disorder?

A panic attack is just what it sounds like. It is an episode of intense panic or terror that occurs very suddenly often without any notice and typically happens for no obvious reason. Attacks can happen even while you are sleeping.

If you have only undergone a panic attack or two there is generally no need to be concerned as they happen to many people. However if you have repeated episodes it could develop into something more serious. If attacks happen over and over and you worry excessively about having another one or if you start to avoid situations where you experienced a previous attack then you may have developed a panic attack disorder.

What’s the cause of panic attacks?

No one knows for sure what the exact causes are but some believe it could be inherited as it tends to run in the family. Stressful events like getting married looking for a job divorce or the loss of a loved one can also trigger attacks.

Sometimes however attacks can be brought about by other medical problems such as hypoglycemia hyperthyroidism mitral valve prolapse or the use of stimulants like cocaine amphetamines or caffeine.

Panic attack disorder stats

It is estimated that 6 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from this disorder. The number is probably higher as many cases are probably misdiagnosed or not even reported. It occurs twice as often in women than in men. Panic attacks usually first begin in young adults but having an attack does not mean you will develop a panic disorder. Unfortunately depression often accompanies panic attack disorder.

Symptoms of an attack

Although they are not serious the symptoms are quite intense and can include chest pains heart pounding hyperventilation dizziness sweatiness feeling faint a choking sensation trembling nausea numbness a sense that things are unreal lightheadedness tingling feeling in the hands cold flashes hot flashes fear that you are going insane or that you are about to die or spinning out of control.

As you can see these symptoms resemble those of other medical conditions especially a heart attack. This is why so many panic attack victims wind up in an emergency room. Since only a doctor can tell what caused your symptoms it is always best to have an exam to make sure they were not caused by a serious medical problem.

What to do during an attack

Most panic attacks reach their peak within the first 10 minutes and are typically over in 30 minutes although they can sometimes last longer.

Hyperventilating can produce other attack symptoms like dizziness and lightheadedness. Therefore it would be beneficial to learn some deep breathing techniques to relieve some of the panic symptoms. By controlling your breathing you will be able to calm yourself when your start feeling anxious. Learning some deep breathing techniques can also eliminate some of the attack symptoms that cause you even more anxiety.

The key is to get your abdomen involved when taking deep breaths instead of the short breaths you take in with the upper chest. The more air you breathe in the less tense or anxious you will be. Start by breathing in deeply through your nostrils. Slowly let the air out through your mouth forcing out as much air as possible while contracting your stomach muscles. Keep focusing on taking these deep cleansing breaths and you’ll be surprised at how well this works.

Panic attack disorder is a treatable illness. The most effective treatment is with cognitive behavioral therapy. Sometimes medication is also prescribed to help alleviate the symptoms.

Farrah Dukati has been able to cure her Panic Attacks permanently using a simple trick read about this simple trick that cured her panic attacks now >>

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