Would Would Most Likely Happen to This Youth?

Question by : Would would most likely happen to this youth?
If a 16 yr. old in Louisiana would rob a business and he has been in trouble with the juvenile court for years but has never actually commited a crime? Stepson is now 15 but I’m just wondering if he will have stiffer consequenses when he is 16 for being in trouble. He was on probation and it was revoked today because of his refusal to do what was ordered to do in court ordered (60 days) drug rehab (stayed 1 week). Numerous other violations. This “juvenile” plays the “minor” thing to the hilt. Brags about the law cannot do him anything because he’s not 18. Again, this is Louisiana. When will he get “his dose of medicine”?

Best answer:

Answer by eric h
lol, a lot can happen to him at his age. he can be taken into states custody and put in to a boys home and if that happens he can be in the system until he is 19. and depending on how bad his behavior is they can do mental tests on him to make sure he is sane enough to be on the streets. a number of things can happen. but it would be better to let him face whatever consequences come at him for his actions.

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