DRUG Addiction/Abuse!? Need Advice!!!?

Question by Jim: DRUG Addiction/Abuse!? Need Advice!!!?
“I used to do a little but a little wouldn’t do, so the little got more and more. I just keep trying to get a little better, a little better than before…Now, I get up whenever, I used to get up on time”. I’ve been taking XANAX for over 2 years now. I started abusing drugs because I felt they were my only way to escape my own personal hell, but I started taking 1mg then went to 2, 4,10, 20, etc. The most I’ve ever done was about 80mg. PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO continue THIS ANYMORE, I would destroy my xanax, but I know withdrawal is bad. I’m prescribed 1mg Xanax 4x a day and I got a 90 day supply of it about 2 weeks ago. Now I only have about 150mg left. I want to just start taking 1 at night to help me sleep because of the withdrawal, but I need to eliminate all temptations in order for this to work. If you read this all the way through, I appreciate it.

For the record I’m not comparing heroin to xanax, because I know heroin is a lot more worse than XANAX

Best answer:

Answer by Amanda
quit taking it?

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