Is There Any Way My Wifes Family Can Force My Brother in Law Into Herion Rehab in Massachusetts?

Question by williammsmith2001: Is there any way my wifes family can force my brother in law into herion rehab in massachusetts?
My brother in law is battling a heroin addiction. He voluntarily spent 30 days in rehab but relapsed as soon as he came out. Is there any way my wife or her family can get him court ordered rehab in massachusetts even though he is 23? we have heard of a section 12 or 13 order but cant seem to find info on it. please help as we don’t think at the rate he is going he will reach 24. If no such thing exist in Massachusetts what about Florida as my wife and I live in Florida so we may be able to get him down here if such a law exist in Florida.

Best answer:

Answer by delectable
I know little of law but I do want to say that my heart goes out to your brother in law and your family.

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