Can This Cause a Heart Attack?

Question by boredcrazy21224: Can This Cause A Heart Attack?
I will be completely honest here, I am a recovering addict and my drug of choice was crack cocaine (no crackhead jokes, ok?). I have been clean for a couple years. But my question is this. Can a crack cocaine overdose cause a heart attack? I had all the symptoms…nausea, cold sweats, extremely rapid heartbeat, chest pain radiating to my left shoulderand down my arm, the pain was radiating around to my back.

Best answer:

Answer by knowssignlanguage
Yes it could cause a heart attack i would go see a doctor about this. But it could be bc you are having withdraws still. but just to make sure what this is go see your doctor or at least call
well good luck and be proud that you are recovering i tip my hat off to ya.

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