Can Smoking Lead to Alcoholism That Would Then Cause the Person to Need Substance Abuse Treatment?

Question by ada de: Can smoking lead to alcoholism that would then cause the person to need substance abuse treatment?
It has come to my attention that a lot of smokers I know also happen to be heavy drinkers. I was just wondering whether the two habits are really connected. Will undergoing treatment for alcohol abuse also get rid of the person’s smoking habit?

Best answer:

Answer by anya w
Smoking and alcohol consumption are indeed interrelated. A person’s consumption of nicotine increases his craving for alcohol and alcohol boosts the effects of smoking. This explains why a lot of smokers happen to be drinkers too. Also, if the person is really dependent upon cigarettes and alcohol, then substance abuse treatment is definitely needed. However, the treatment of just alcoholism will not banish a person’s smoking habit. It would be better to treat both conditions simultaneously.

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