Pain Killer Addiction – Are You Hooked?

When you’re addicted physically, accidentally or otherwise, to a drug, like a pain killer or alcohol, etc., it’s because you’ve suppressed or shut down your body’s production of endorphins, which are natural opiate pain killers. And when this happens you start craving the drug that you replaced the endorphins with. Your body needs the endorphins. So whether it’s alcohol, a pain killer or some other addicting drug, in a sense it has the same effect on the body in terms of suppressing the endorphins.

More than 415,000 people received treatment last year for pain killer abuse or addiction. Once a patient addicted to a pain killing drug has completed detoxification, the treatment provider must work with the patient to determine which course of treatment would then be best for the patient.

The common side effects and adverse reactions of pain killers are: nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dry mouth, contraction of the pupil, orthostatic hypotension (blood pressure drops upon sudden standing) – which often happens when arising too fast when getting out of bed in the morning, urinary retention, constipation and fecal impaction to name a few. And if you’re addicted to pain killers or other drugs or think you might be, you can start working to increase the body’s endorphin production naturally. Some ways to do this are laughing, touching, hugging, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, walking, hiking, jogging, running and anything that makes you feel good that’s natural.

Today addiction to pain killers is an escalating problem, especially the abuse of opioid pain killers. This is partly due to the fact that people didn’t have access to these kinds of drugs for many years. You would only hear about heroin and later crack cocaine. Research says that addiction is both a biological and psychological condition. Many other drugs can interact with the opioids and cause a wide variety of symptoms and adverse reactions and this can have a fatal outcome. Pain killer addiction terms include the following: opiate dependency, opiate addiction, narcotic dependency, narcotic addiction, pain killer dependency and painkiller dependency.

So if you think you’re addicted and want to get off a pain killer or any other drug, it’s best to get treated and detoxified as fast as you can and then go through the recommended type of rehabilitation. And it’s important to have others for support – to lean on and learn from and be there for you.

A person with an addiction exhibits compulsive behavior to satisfy their craving for a pain killer or pain medication even when there are totally negative consequences associated with taking the pain killer or drug. Although detoxification is not an actual treatment for pain killer addiction, it can help relieve the withdrawal symptoms while the patient adjusts to being free of the pain killer or other prescription drugs.

There are quite a few effective treatment options that will help treat pain killer addiction to prescription opioids and that will help manage the sometimes severe withdrawal symptoms that can go with the sudden stopping of a pain killer or other drug. Some of the less common side effects and adverse reactions of pain killers are: confusion, hallucinations, delirium, hives, itching, hypothermia, a slow heart rate, rapid heart rate, muscle rigidity and flushing.

Many chronic pain patients may be under-treated as a result of doctors trying to gain control over future pain killer addiction, its been reported. But for many years it seems that people were overmedicated. It’s important to get professional help and not try to get off pain killers on your own. It’s also important to go through rehab immediately following your stay for detox; make it a mandatory part of your plan of action. Some insurance companies will pay for one or two weeks of treatment and some may also pay for rehabilitation too.

All the other demands you have for your children, your job, going to school, or any other responsibilities may make inpatient treatment seem like an intrusion into your life, but you must do it now because waiting will only make it worse. For some reason you can’t do in-patient rehab, find out how you can do outpatient rehab and pay for it under your insurance plan. Check your insurance policy if you haven’t already to see if it’s covered. Taking the necessary amount of time to spend in a treatment center detoxing, is of the highest priority.

The potential for pain killer addiction in patients with chronic pain conditions has been often overlooked by doctors, but the tide is slowly changing as doctors rethink prescribing addictive drugs. So if you think you have an addiction to a pain killer think about getting detoxed as soon as you can. You can do it as have thousands before you. Pain killer treatment options today are drawn from many years of experience and clinical research from studying and treating other types of drugs and even addiction to heroin.

For more information on pain killer addiction symptoms and pain killer treatments go to specializing in pain killer addiction with nurse’s tips, help, quiz, blog and resources including information on pain killer treatment centers and natural addiction treatment

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