Old school burlesque shimmy dance mix of OBAMA. Banks are closing as are insurance companies, McCain – why?? The Dow is down. Wall Street cowers. Why?? Republicans are in charge. Why would we want John McCain as President? The poor are on their own as far as his Republican Party and George Bush are concerned. Texans hit by Hurricane Ike are likely not too happy with George W. right now. Our leaders are ashamed to show their faces. Vote for Barack Obama! Sarah Palin of Alaska is a distraction that McCain wants us to focus on, so we don’t realize he hates America and wants to screw us for good. She is pro creationism and anti-gay to the point of denying gays benefits. She is against animal rights, ask the moose and the polar bear. Ask the wolf. This Christian holier-than-thou who talks down to interviewers (like Shirley Phelps-Roper does) dislikes polar bears and other animals. She supported the bridge to nowhere THEN was against it. She thinks Alaska provides 20 percent of our energy. Its 3 percent. Her town is the cyrstal meth capitol of Alaska! McCain thinks she is an energy expert! Has a child with problems but cut funding for Alaska’s kids with problems! I do NOT want this lady answering the special phone at 3AM! She is being investigated. Vote for Obama! Si se puede! Yes we can! No more, no war, no McCain! So he’s got Sarah Palin, she’s just a better looking Sally Kern from Alaska. Obama is still our only choice for a peaceful, safe America free of hate speech! Ms

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