What the H*Ll Is the World Going to Do?

Jason Birio asked:

Okay, I’m only 15 but the effects it has on me are epic. I feel obligated to do something. I’ll first mention war. Almost every human wants violence in there life and I think war and terrorism aren’t going to help us find peace. Then there is global warming. If war doesn’t kill us, nature will. How did the ice age happen? Was global warming always here and is there anyway to fix the ozone? But the biggest thing is America. I have nothing against the freedom but lately things have gone down hill. It’s a race for oil and we will do anything in the world to win. Whether it be cheat or kill. The politics are insane and the majority is almost always wrong. Technology is starting to take over people’s lives including mine which I have been fighting. The modern day girls cannot live without their precious cell phones and clothes and what ever the hell they think they need and the guys only care about sex and sports and cars. And oh my God, I’m not even going to start on drugs.
I could go on for days about what is wrong with the world and I could write a book about it. Everyone uses slang and resorts to violence and it is just sickning. I understand people make mistakes and such but this is just ridiculous. Any idea what’s going to happen and any idea and how I can help? I’m not being a stereotype because I’ve seen these things first hand . . .

addiction of cocaine

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