Is This Safe or Will I Overdose?
Question by : Is this safe or will I overdose?
I took 60 mg of the add medicane “Vyvance” at 11 am yesterday. Then at 3 pm I took 60 mgs more. Then around 9 pm this I took 75 mg. 3 AM I took 60 mg. It’s 5:11 AM right now (never slept haha)
Is it safe to take 10 mg adaral? It says something like “salts” on the pill too. Anyways my heart beat isn’t high at all, if anything slightly lower than usual. Is it safe to take the adaral? Lecturing me about prescription drug abuse wont do any good. 45 days ago was my last oxycotten I kno how to quit things I used for 4 mounths n I didn’t go to a rehab. I just need this energy for school. Will I die if I do it?
Hey man, thx it’s cool to care even tho u don’t kno me. Bleive me, I know the pain of getting off drugs. Missery. But truth is I woke up depressed not knowing how I got there when i was 11 years old. I am 16 years old in college and btw i put myself in extencive drug therapy n I see my therapist twice a week. Only hav 7 adaral I took from my sister, n the vyvance is not only non addictive but it’s perscibed to me for my add. Bro, bleive me, I WON’T develop a problem. I have a sleep dissorder n inorder to Study and or stay awake in class I am supposed to be taking this. Thank you for your concern, but I am smart enough to not go down the same path again.
Best answer:
Answer by Sam
“I just need this energy for school” – Wow, you sound like you need some serious help. In answer to your actual question I have no idea but I would seriously recommend going to the doctor or consulting somebody. I’m sure you’re not going to take my comment seriously but oneday you’ll wake up depressed and anxious and you’ll have no idea how to sort yourself out. BTW im not against drugs at all.. I smoke weed and salvia and stuff like that but I respect drugs and dont abuse them. You’re abusing them and you need to stop before it’s too late lol..
Answer by Kaviani999
“Bro, bleive me, I WON’T develop a problem. ”
Your false bravado is laughable. If you didn’t have a problem already, you wouldn’t “need this energy for school” be asking if you’re going to OD on YA, of all places.
Your excuses will fail you again.
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